Hello! This last weekend Basil and I attended a great event call Woofstock! This was the 5th annual Woofstock and its put on by a local Great Dane rescue and the Blue Ridge Boxer rescue. Not only were we excited to check out the event for the first time but it was also at a venue in a neighborhood we have yet to check out, the southend. Just south of uptown this little neighbor had hip townhouses, a lot of boutique shops selling local wears and a pretty cool music venue call Amos Southend. This is where Woofstock was held. We were able to enter with a small $5 donation and with a quick ID check we were given our first drink free.
Once inside Basil lost his mind! So many dogs! As you know Boston terriers are my thing but I also love, love, love large dogs and this was for sure the place to be visit with some monster dogs. Great danes, mastiffs, greyhounds and one very sweet Irish wolfhound were among pugs, mutts and just a few Boston terriers. After a circle of the event we ran into a familiar face. Lola, a fellow Boston terrier of Charlotte meet-uper and her mom were also there.

We made sure to check out all the booths inside and out and then we headed over to the silent auction. A ton of groups donated their time, goods and services to be auctioned off for charity. I was very happy to see that almost every item has one or more bid on it.
After making another circle to say goodbye to all our new friends we decided to head out and find some lunch. Lucky enough right next door was a sports bar with a large patio called Tavern on the Tracks. The moment we saw the waiters and waitresses we knew this spot was dog friendly. They were all wearing a tee-shirt with a large paw print on the back that said “Paws on the Patio.” We grabbed a sit in the corner with a large umbrella and plenty of dog water and had a great lunch. Basil even enjoyed a little of my PBR. It almost felt like we were back in Seattle!

Overall Basil votes yes to both these places and recommend if you are in Charlotte to check out Tavern on the Tracks for good food and sports; especially if you are a Michigan fan. We also recommend checking out your own local dog events and donate to a rescue of your choice.
Travel well, Nap well, Live well!
-Abbey & Basil