Hi Friends! Its that time of year again where we let you choose what Basil is for halloween. Last year was a great success and everyone (including Basil, Nate, and I) loved the Boston turtle costume that you guys voted for. This year there is a few different options. Take a look down below and make sure to cast your vote. Whichever one gets the highest number a votes by next Monday, September 29th, will be Basil’s Halloween 2014 costume!
Hope everyone finds at least 1 costume you think would suit Basil. If not, make sure to leave a comment down below as to what you think he should wear!
So, get to it! Remember polls close end of the day Monday, September 29th! Happy voting!
1) Sir Barks A Lot – Knight of the round table
I can’t wait to find out what wins! Thanks for voting and make sure to share on Twitter and Facebook! Find us on both @basilstravel
Travel well, nap well, live well!
-Abbey & Basil