Happy wordless (wordy, whatever!) Wednesday guys! Hope everyone had an amazing unofficial last weekend of summer. We were pretty lazy! Basil, Willow, Sebastian, Nate, and myself spent the weekend relaxing and getting settled into our new house. Now that the work week is in full swing its been hard not to be our lazy weekend selves.
This morning I was able to catch something on video that has eluded me. No, its not the Loch ness monster or big foot, even though you would think it was with how hard its been to capture it. It’s a video of Basil and Sebastian playing under our coffee table!
Usually they start playing and I reach for the camera but the second I point it in their direction all movement stops. You would think these two were professional mimes or something!
That didn’t happen today! Enjoy this video because I don’t know when I’ll be able to get another one!
Coming at the end of the week is our FreshPet Vital Raw review and a few photos of Basil’s new “dog cave” in the new house. Make sure to check back for those!
Do you have cats & dogs? Do they love to play with each other?
Travel well, nap well, live well!
-Abbey & Basil
September 9, 2015 at 9:01 pm (9 years ago)How fun! This is an adorable video. It looks like Basil and Sebastian have a great relationship and understanding of one another. Thank you for the smile. 🙂
Susan and the gang from Life with Dogs and Cats
September 10, 2015 at 1:04 pm (9 years ago)So funny. Basil is speaking “dog” and Sebastian was speaking “cat.” That happens all the time in my house. They’ve learned to understand each other, and every once in awhile, we’ll have some interspecies play. And you’re right; to catch it on video is like catching Big Foot ordering a Whopper at the McDonald’s drive through.
–Wags and purrs from Life with Dogs and Cats
BJ Bangs
September 10, 2015 at 4:01 pm (9 years ago)Luv the tuxedos. They look so regal.