Our life as of late is boxes, bubble wrap, and tape. In a few short weeks we are moving back out west and man it’s a ton of work! I’ve done this move now going on 4 times so you would think I’d have it down, but no! I don’t know if the pets know for sure what’s happen yet but they will know very soon.
Because of this craziness the blog may be a little slow in the next coming weeks. I’ll be working hard to keep posts coming but it probably won’t be everyday. To keep up with us make sure to follow us on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook at @basilstravels
Also, to get email updates on every Basil’s Travels post head over to Bloglovin’ and follow us there!
Hope everyone is having a great week. What are your plans for Memorial Day weekend? I’d love to know! Until next time! Xoxo
In this house we are huge Seattle Seahawks fans! You may have realized that if you have been to this blog before, or visited our Instagram or Twitter acounts. Its in our blood; every member of this family bleeds blue & green! So that means we have two (vert fat) 12th cats and the hardest rooting 12th dog in the game!
That being said, all of us are very excited that come this Sunday we get to watch our beloved Hawks in their 2nd Superbowl in 2 years! #rePete So much that we have been getting ready ourselves.
Basil has been sporting his 12th dog gear every waking moment in anticipation. I also threw the referee jersey on Sebastian in hopes that maybe that will give us some better luck with the refs this weekend. (You never know! It’s only crazy if it doesn’t work!)
So this Sunday we will be yelling and screaming for our Seattle Seahawks and hoping for them to come home with the W. Lets all hope for a clean, fair football game and let the best team win!
In closing I’ll leave you with the famous words of Bill Nye, Rainn Wilson, Chris Pratt, Macklemore, and Katy Perry… “GO HAWKS!”
Sometimes I walk into my living room and everything is normal. Sometimes I walk into my living room and its cuteness overload! Sebastian decided he wanted to snuggle with his brother and Basil was not complaining! They were even so comfortable they let me move the arm chair they were cuddled on, to get better lighting, of course. I’m so glad I was able to capture this moment on camera. I think this gives me an amazing Halloween 2014 costume idea. Yes… Yes… Everything is coming together!
Brotherly love at its finest! The black & whites return!
Hello Basil’s Travels fan and a very happy Tuesday to you! Today we are celebrating our resident fat cat, Willow’s 12th birthday! Nate, Basil, Sebastian, and I can’t believe she has hit the big one two! She is the best cat and we are so lucky she has decided that we are her family. So, in honor of Willow FC please enjoy some of my favorite photos from over the years.
Happy 12th Birthday Willow! Here is to 12 more!
Hope you like cat photos! Tomorrow we will be back to your regular scheduled Boston Terrier programing!
We are getting pretty excited for Thanksgiving here in the Myers house. Basil knows that something is different this year because we are usually traveling for Thanksgiving. This year we figured that because we are already out traveling the South we would just stay here and spend this holiday with my mom & dad.
Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday and I can’t believe its already that time of year again. We have stocked up on wine and I am planing on making a winter cranberry sangria. My mom is cooking the for the “big show” and that makes everyone in our family super excited.
Cooking Thanksgiving 2012 in a tiny apartment kitchen!
Basil never gets human food (maybe a piece of popcorn here or there or a slice of cheese from my mom when we visit Nana & Papas) so he really couldn’t care less about the meal part of the day, but he just loves being able to spend the whole day with family. We made sure to get a new dog friendly bone for him to enjoy while we stuff our faces. If you do plan on giving your dog a little taste of the table make sure to check out this list to find out what could harm your pooch and have you spending Thanksgiving night in the emergency vet.
Basil & Sebastian keeping warm on Thanksgiving 2012
Family is really important to us and Nate & I are really close to our parents. Maybe that is why Thanksgiving is something we look forward to. For the last week or so on TV and the internet I’ve been seeing that a lot of stores are planing on opening for Black Friday early… like on Thursday! This is not acceptable! I feel bad for all those workers that are being forced to work when they should be spending a nice comfortable day at home with a good meal. I also feel bad for those people that think they have to go stand in line for hours upon hours on Thanksgiving to get a good deal. So, Basil Travels is boycotting shopping on Thanksgiving and will not purchase anything on Nov 28th! We believe in Black Friday and will get up early, on Friday, to fight the crowds and purchase discount goods on the day that its meant to be on; Friday!
In short, Basil, Nate & I wish you the best Thanksgiving ever. Make sure to tell your family and friends you are Thankful for them and love your pets because even though they can’t talk they are thankful for you!
For all of our fans and everyone that reads about Basil’s adventures please know that we are so thankful for you and couldn’t continue Basil’s Travels without your love and support! Thank you!
Today Basil’s favorite thing is not something you can just order online and get delivered to your door in 2 days. It requires a little more of a commitment than a new collar and leash set and could be pretty costly. If Basil loves one thing more than anything, it’s his cats!
Basil is the proud “big” brother of two cats, Willow & Sebastian. Willow, our 11 year old 17 pounder, is the dominant force in this household. Basil and Willow have an understanding. He understands that she doesn’t want him in her face all the time and she understands that he understands this!
Our “kitten” is 3 year old Sebastian. Sebastian is one half of the crazy duo we like to call The Black & Whites. He loves Basil and doesn’t mind snuggling or being jumped from behind at the drop of the hat. I usually have to stop them from playing too rough almost every night.
Not only does Basil love his cats, he wants to play with every cat we come across on our daily walks. I have to remind him that these cats are not his and they don’t know that he isn’t going to hurt them. If we were to bring another cat home Basil would be overjoyed. Our cats, not so much!
Both Willow and Sebastian were adopted. Willow from the Tacoma Humane Society and Sebastian from a friend whose cat had a litter of unwanted kittens. We are big supporters of Humane Societies and encourage everyone to visit and consider adopting a pet from one of these places. If adopting a new pet isn’t something you can do right now please think about donating your time or money to your local humane society or animal control. You can also find more information about what you can do by visiting the ASPCA website.
Its Halloween time again and that means everyone from little kiddies to partying adults to the our four legged friends get ready to dress up and have a good time! Here in this household we are big into dressing up. Usually Willow FC “begs” to be a blow fish and Sebastian just “loves” his hot dog costume. Last year, Basil decided he was going to be a pirate. Mostly because Nate & I went as Peter Pan and Ticker bell and Basil loves to match.
This year we thought we would ask all of Basil’s loving fans to vote on their favorite costume for Halloween 2013. Below you will find sample photos, all from wag.com, and a poll to tell us what you think. Whatever is voted highest by Friday October 11th will be Basil costume this year. Thanks for your help in this very important matter and we will announce the winner this weekend and some adorable photos will follow!
In our house we have a pair of best friends, Basil and Sebastian. Sea-bass, as we like to call him, is our 3 year old kitten. He and Basil decided to be BFF’s when they both realized that they share the same color palette. So I decided to give them a joint nick-name, The Black & Whites!
I mean this duo could be buddy cops, an up and coming boy band, or just the new odd couple. Really I should start shooting a t.v pilot! This really is cuteness overload to the max. I’ll try to get more photos of them cuddling up so you can also enjoy this critical mass of cute! For right now enjoy this one… It could be their new album art! xoxo